The more I live - the more I learn. The more I learn - the more I realize the less I know. Each step I take - Each page I turn - Each mile I travel only means the more I have to go.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

"Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time" ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Confession: I love working. I love tasks, To Do Lists, checking items off said list, and that warm, fuzzy feeling of accomplishment it brings. My days start at 6 a.m. and don't end till 10:30 or 11 p.m. If I'm sitting down, I feel like I'm wasting time, time I could be accomplishing so much.

But one thing I want to be very intentional about this year is taking time for me. I've read several articles lately explaining the difference between taking time for self and being selfish. In my mind anyway, those are usually synonymous, but I've been astonished (and relieved!) to learn that there is a huge difference. Being selfish is looking out for your interests and yours only, never taking others into consideration. But looking out for self is simply giving yourself time to recharge, a chance to relax, a time to put the tasks and To Do Lists aside and just enjoy and revel in the moment of Now.

If you don't take time pouring into you, how do you expect to be able to pour into others? You'll have nothing to give! Today's challenge: take some time for YOU. Even if it's just a few minutes, you'll feel so refreshed and find you can pour that much more into those around you that you love so deeply. My Christmas decorations are still up, dinner isn't finished, and there's laundry to be folded, but I'm choosing a glass of wine, a Josh Groban cd, and taking a few moments to just live this moment.

What did you do today? I'd love to hear! 

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