Three people close to me passed away. Two more received life-threatening news. Four more got divorced. Money troubles, world troubles, political troubles...every day seemed like the bearer of more bad news.
But from within the storm of tears and sorrows and fears came glimmering moments of beauty - crystals of perfect moments and memories to take and hold close: celebrating my grandmother's 90th birthday, holidays with family reunited after years apart, surprise visits from old friends. 2015 was a hard year but a good one.
As I thought about what I wanted 2016 to look like and bring, the thought came to me about just how much we tend to expect out of life without necessarily giving things back. Everyone wants a better body, better fashion, better possessions, or even just to become an all-around better person without pouring in the necessary time, self-control, and patience required.
Then I thought of my friends who had passed away or whose futures were uncertain - we're always so certain of another tomorrow, another chance, a "someday," a day for when we finally "get around to it." But none of us are promised tomorrow or this afternoon or this next minute. Why do we constantly put off visiting someone, calling someone, smiling at someone we pass when neither of us know what our futures hold?
What if, I thought, I resolve to do something throughout 2016 that will help make the world around me a better place and, by extension, me a better person in the process? Make my "someday" today. Make today the day I finally "get around to it." Take advantage of each of life's moments by living in each moment. Then I came across this in a friend's Facebook feed:
Last year, I resolved to count 1,000 gifts (three things I had to be thankful for each day that I would usually take for granted), and I did (1,090, to be exact). The change in perspective it brought was amazing and life-altering. And while I still plan on counting blessings and being thankful this year, I wanted to up the ante a bit.
So each day of 2016, I resolve to do something to better myself and, in turn, better the world around me. It may be a workout, a new recipe, a new book, spiritual insight, a small accomplishment, or a new experience. It doesn't have to be big to change the world. I will share each day what I've done, and I'd love for you to join with me and share what you've done to change your part of the world that day too.
Live in the moment. Change this moment. Savor this moment.
#ABetter2016 #ABetterMe #LearningtoLoveMyself
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