The more I live - the more I learn. The more I learn - the more I realize the less I know. Each step I take - Each page I turn - Each mile I travel only means the more I have to go.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Love Chronicles ~ Psalm 119:97

Psalm 119:97
"Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day."
There are times when I feel like David wrote these Psalms just to make me feel puny.
This verse is one of those times.
I would consider myself a pretty law-abiding, rule-following citizen. The term "goody-two-shoes" has been used to describe me more than once. But even I don't go dancing about, singing praises to the rules.
That's not our nature. Our human nature does not desire or seek rules. No one is going to go around singing about manmade rules. But these aren't just any laws in this verse: these are GOD'S laws.
He doesn't make rules and boundaries to make our lives miserable - He gives them to protect us, usually from ourselves.
This isn't the Old Testament law that we're loving so much - this is the new law, the new covenant, the law of love and grace. We should meditate on it, think on it. All. Day. Long.
There's no room for pettiness or anger or bitterness when we're making a conscious effort to Think. On. Him. To live like Him. To love like Him.
What is the law of the Lord?
It is "PERFECT, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is SURE, making wise the simple; the statutes of the Lord are RIGHT, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is PURE, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is CLEAN, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are TRUE and RIGHTEOUS altogether" (Psalm 19:7-9).
That's what I should meditate on: perfection, surety, righteousness, purity, cleanliness, truth.
Will I ever attain it? Of course not.
Should that stop me from trying?
My goal for each day should be to convert souls - the unsaved & my own.
How many times do I make a decision based on selfishness, pride, vanity, laziness?
"Conversion" isn't just saving souls from Hell; it's converting myself - training myself - to look at things, people, situations through His eyes.
My goal for each day should be surety - being wise in my decisions and speech so I don't have to make amends for foolishness.
My goal for each day should be making the right choice - it brings rejoicing to His heart and my own.
My goal for each day should be purity - bringing light and clarity to people's eyes instead of the darkness of confusion, sarcasm, jealousy, and selfishness.
My goal for each day should be cleanliness - investing in things that will last forever, not the temporal, unclean things of this life, the things that one day I'll blink & they'll be gone.
My goal for each day should be truth & righteousness - not the lies and distractions Satan sends my way. The lies that keep me unfocused from life & the great things, the blessings, God has in store for me.
These are my laws.
This is my meditation.

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