The more I live - the more I learn. The more I learn - the more I realize the less I know. Each step I take - Each page I turn - Each mile I travel only means the more I have to go.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Love Chronicles ~ Leviticus 19:18

I haven't been able to get love out of my mind lately. And it's not residual Valentine's goopiness. I've just felt so burdened about how much the Bible tells us to love, and how little we do it. The world is already such an unloving place, we certainly don't need to be adding to the darkness. That may seem harsh or strange because, as Christians, aren't we the light? Yes! But how often do we live the Light? How many times do we look just like the ones we're trying to save? We can say all the right words, but if we're not living it, no one will believe us.
So, I've decided to start the Love Chronicles. The Bible talks about love 143 times, and I don't know if I've ever truly let that sink in. I'd like to say I'll post a Bible verse & my thoughts on it every day, but that's not realistic. Some days are just too busy. But I will be reading a verse on Love every day and writing my thoughts on it in my journal, and I will post these thoughts as often as possible.
Leviticus 19:18
"You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against
the children of your people, but you shall LOVE your
neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord."
This is a command. Not a request. Not an "if you feel like it." Not an "except when..."
You. Shall. NOT.
Ever. Never.
Revenge? Not an option.
Holding a grudge against someone? Shouldn't even enter your mind. Find another option.
"But, what if..."
"I am the Lord."
That puts an end to it. No arguing possible. No way around it. No excuses. The biggest period you could ever put on the end of a sentence. "I. Am. The. Lord."
God knows we like wriggle room, so He left us zero room for it. "I am the Lord." "You shall not."
Once the fleshly options are taken away, there's really only one other place to go: Love.
But it's more than that.
It's more than just a parental "Don't argue with me." It's said in so much love.
"I am the LORD."
Don't you trust Me? Don't you believe Me? Don't you know when I give you a command it's for your own good?
Love. Is. The. Answer.
Not revenge. Not holding grudges.
There's MORE out there. There's BETTER out there.
"I am the LORD."
Don't take the easy path. Take the bigger road, the better road - trust Me.
"I AM the Lord."
"Don't you know that if I'm giving you this command, it's for your good? For your safety? For your growth?"
"LOVE your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord."
Grudges & revenge lead to discord. Love leads to harmony.
Grudges lead to hurt. Love leads to healing.
Revenge leads to anger. Love leads to peace.
Grudges are me-focused. Love is neighbor-centered.
Believe it, Heart.
Live it, Soul.


  1. I think the last part can be applied to any conviction we have in our lives. "Believe it, Heart. Live it, Soul." I really like that.

    [Where is that from? Your mind?]

    1. Believe it or not, yes! To quote Ghostbusters, "It just popped in there." ;)
