"The Lord preserves all who love Him,
But all the wicked He will destroy." ~Psalm 145:20
So, yeah, at the end of a long year? Perseverance is a big thing.
Finally. Year's end. After all the accomplishments, failures, disappointments, and achievements: we made it.
And at the end of it? The only reason we can persevere is because He preserves.
Preserved us through that trial we thought would swallow us whole.
Preserved us through that relationship we thought would destroy us.
Preserved us through the long nights & never-ending days.
Preserved us through the indecision, ingratitude, incompleteness.
And how did He preserve us? Through love. Love for us. Out of our love for Him. So on this eve of a new year, what better gift can we give than love?
Love for the co-worker who drives us up the wall.
Love for the family member who makes us ponder our own sanity.
Love for the unlovable.
Love for the forgotten.
Love for this new year and all the wonders, sadness, and craziness it will bring.
Love for Him. Love for each other. Only through love will we, can we persevere.